

List of products by manufacturer Suchi Chidambaram

Suchi Chidambaram’s paintings express the energy, motion and vibrancy of places  that she  has a close association with: India where she grew up  and  London, where she now lives and works.

Suchi Chidambaram’s paintings express the energy, motion and vibrancy of places  that she  has a close association with: India where she grew up  and  London, where she now lives and works.

She is  drawn to views of cities, their people, the architecture and the absorbing stories behind them. These are not painted in situ, rather they are painted from her distinctive memory of these places, often driven by her emotions. She captures the mood of these cities   and  narrate them on to the canvas with impressionistic strokes of thick oil paint with the use of a palette knife, allowing fragments of visual data to combine with her subjective and emotional response. They reveal the rhythm and movement of the people in these places, shifting between abstract and figurative. As this is an ongoing series for her, she retells the story of the places she visits - some of course are revisited and retold more than others...

 She held her  first solo exhibition at The Nehru Centre, London in 2006 and has exhibited internationally including: London, Oman, UAE and India and Bahrain.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 19 items